Thursday, July 19, 2012


lately I am interested towards Elegant influenced by Jasmine You.
I just.... it looks very pretty to me TvT

so, after about more than 2 years being a fan to the visual kei industry, this is the most elegant people I've met and I really wish they could join up and make a project band or have tea party together wearing their elegant costumes TvT

I really like the art they carry~

I didn't bring up the whole Versailles since Kamijo is more to Prince-like or vampire master. Hizaki is more to beautiful lolita, so does Kaya~ while Yuki is like the darkness master, and Masashi is more to dark guardian. Teru, is a forever young prince....he sometimes looks like Jasmine's son and Jasmine sometimes look like Teru's mother xD
It seems to me that Jasmine was like an elegant sorcerer~ I really like his costumes and  everything...he really brings it perfectly TvT  he inspires me a lot~

and the next one is a mysterious man that I knew last year.
I am startled [am I using the word correctly? xD] by his beauty.
His image is very magnificent and creative. For the first time in my life I said "there exist such people in this world?! ...and... a man?!"
but his costume is more to acceptable, not too theatrical like Jasmine's... just his super elegant makeup. 

well, that is the first picture of him that makes me know his existence.
and then, I saw his old picture...

whoaa... I cannot.... but how...

and then, I saw this one...

He do have a glittering face. he have beautiful nose too.... since I don't have nice looking nose...
his skin is very fair. I saw a picture of him with light blonde hair and no make up on, as if he have albino problem....

anyway, the last one~

YES. the whole band is elegant.
their costumes are very theatrical, like Jasmine You~
I am very excited knowing them xD

their costumes are very admirable TvT

so far, this is my [Elegant People] list. xD

was suppose to update this post last night, but as I was uploading picture, this happen instead...

but somewhat look beautiful right? XD

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